Thursday, January 8, 2009

Vices of... THE WEB

The video about identity theft was very informative. I didn't know someone called a Phisher could see everything you did on your computer. A phisher could know your exact keystrokes. If someone has hacked into your computer it doesn't even matter if you go to a secure website to purchase something online. Since they have the keystrokes you used to type in a credit card number or password they can then steal your identity. We all need to be very careful out there while we are surfing the web and take the proper precautionary measures (anti virus protection).


Friday, December 19, 2008

Life Long Learning 2.0

I found the music part intresting. Music production and the turntables... U know how I do.


How OCLS and 2.0 Tie Together

Orlando Memory is a community based digital archive - a place where patrons can post pictures that relate to specific topics of discussion all revolving around Orlando as a central theme. Kind of cool - take a look!

Orange Seed This program is for the internal OCLS community and has been around for some time. The program took a Library/Web 2.0 twist about a year ago when it became blog based and specifically asked for comments from the its audience (YOU!)

Web 2.0

There are alot of useful sites out there to help you find an apartment Rentometer or to find the cheapest time to travel Farecast. Learn 2.0 has showed me all the help that is available to me that I didn't even know existed.


Not everyone likes change but it is a way of life. One luv.

Open Source

I like the fact that Open Office is free. "Microsoft Office will cost you about between $125 - $250 depending on if you own a previous version or not."

"Open Office encourages you to share, change or modify the program to best meet your needs. With closed-source software, changing the code would violate your user agreement and may violate laws." Your not allowed to share Microsoft Office Software with anyone else.

I have been using LiveLeak since I found out about it through Learn 2.0. I use Live Leak along with Youtube.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Health, Wellness and Technology?

Wii Fit is a good idea for people who like to stay active. The Wii Fit makes it easy to get a work out without going outside or to the gym. If it is raining, or its too hot outside you can still "play" sports inside.
